Are you in Brussels? Or nearby? Are you into Social Business? Do you like beer? (And we’re talking Belgian beer!)
I’ll be in Europe over the next couple of weeks for a couple of engagements. Firstly, I am to attend the Global Social Business Summit organised by the Grameen Creative Lab and the Yunus Centre in Vienna as a Young Challenger. A week later, I’ll be at the Global Peter Drucker Forum as a Peter Drucker Challenge awardee, once again in the Social Ecologist’s own city, Vienna!
I’m very excited about both of these events, and its no surprise that Vienna is the world’s number one destination for international congresses and conventions. The city of dreams, of music, of mystery.
Before the convention city though, I make a brief stop at the capital of Europe itself — Brussels! And the amazing MakeSense gang has organised a SenseDrink there on 6 Nov. Be there to catch up with MakeSense members and share experiences in social business and beyond.
But what is MakeSense, you ask?
MakeSense is a worldwide movement, an open project that challenges people for social business.
For more information about MakeSense, just visit the Facebook Fan page or the website.
Basically, a SenseDrink follows a very simple formula
SenseDrink = MakeSense Gangsters + non-gangsters + friends + cool people + social innovators + social entrepreneurs + social finance guys + csr guys + artists, etc =
Beers + laugh + informal talks + project/connexion building + music + food, etc
Alright then, see you at Potemkine!